Recover some money you paid for your trucks
Have your damage claims checked
You bought or leased a truck from Daimler, Iveco, DAF, MAN, Volvo / Renault or Scania between 1997 and 2011?
Then you probably overpaid and should have claims for damages.
On July 19, 2016, the EU Commission found that Daimler, MAN, DAF, Iveco and Volvo / Renault were involved in illegal price agreements at the expense of their customers and imposed a record fine of 2.93 billion euros. The cartel proceedings against Scania are currently still pending. Despite the pending proceedings, we assume that Scania vehicles in the end will also be affected.
Since the EU Commission has already established that an illegal cartel had been created, there are damage claims for the cartel’s customers.

If you bought or leased a truck with a payload capacity over 6 tonnes during the period in question, you are most likely to be entitled to compensation for between 10% and 20% of the purchase price or lease payments paid.
We, Sophokles GmbH, a German litigation funding company, are prepared to assist you in the enforcement of your claims and to fully finance your compensation proceedings.
You will not incur any costs, no matter how extensive the legal dispute might be. Whether legal fees, court costs or extensive expert opinions, we will pay everything for you and release you from any cost risks. Only in the case of success do we participate pro rata in the money recovered.

Please contact us and let us advise you.
Sophokles GmbH
Forstenrieder-Park-Str. 24
82131 Gauting
Phone: +49 89 87589033
Please fill in the form completely to start your request for compensation proceedings:
- Your inquiry will be evaluated by our experts
- You will soon receive a return call from us
- We will advise you about your possibilities without any obligation for you
- On request, we will take over the complete processing for you
- There are no additional costs for you
- Only in the case of success will we receive a performance-related remuneration

Who is Sophokles GmbH?
We are a litigation funding company specializing in litigation against large corporations. Litigation funding means to provide financing of legal proceedings. In the event of success, the litigation funding company receives a certain portion of the money in question as previously agreed upon in the litigation funding agreement.
What costs will I incur if I hire Sophokles to provide the funding for my damages proceedings?
If no financial success is achieved, you will not have to bear any costs or risks. In case of success Sophokles receives a certain portion of the money as previously agreed upon in a written litigation funding agreement.
What advantages will I have by hiring Sophokles to get my claims enforced?
You will bear no risk and will not have to pay any costs. The whole process is coordinated by us. This includes the careful selection of specialized lawyers, the preparation of expert opinions by competent experts and a convenient bundling of claims.
How can I use the help of Sophokles?
By contacting us. We will then check back with you and provide you with an offer.
What entitles me to damage claims against the truck cartel?
If you bought or leased a truck with a payload capacity over 6 tonnes between 1997 and 2011 from Daimler, Iveco, DAF, MAN, Volvo / Renault or Scania.
I meanwhile have sold the vehicle. Can I nevertheless claim damages?
This does not affect your claims for damages, they still exist. Only in the amount of the compensation you may have to accept a discount, because you are assumed to have achieved a higher resale price by the excessive prices for trucks during the period in question than without the cartel’s manipulations.
What if I do not have the invoice for the respective vehicle anymore?
You only have to prove that you have bought or leased the respective truck from one of the affected manufacturers during the period in question. If no documents are available at all, then the purchase price is estimated by a plausibility check.
How long will the proceedings take?
At the present time, this is difficult to estimate. In case of litigation, it may take several years. If a settlement can be reached, either at some early stage of litigation or out of court, it would take much less time.
Is an out-of-court settlement to be expected?
We will first try to achieve an acceptable out-of-court settlement. Past experience rather suggests that there will be litigation. A common strategy of large corporations in similar cases is often to make life as difficult as possible for claimants to achieve a deterrent effect.
Where will my lawsuit be filed?
We will presumably file the lawsuits in Germany. Since every member of the cartel can be sued in cartel proceedings, we can choose which member we sue. This means, for example, in case you have purchased a truck from Iveco, you can claim damages from Daimler. This is a special feature of the antitrust law. The only exception in this complex will probably be MAN. Since they were very cooperative in the official investigation into the cartel, MAN cannot be held liable for the inflated prices of the other cartel members. However, buyers of MAN trucks may very well demand damages from the other cartel members.
How much time is left until my claims get time-barred?
This is currently completely unclear. Probably the first claims get time-barred at the end of 2017. In view of the work that needs to be done to prepare the case this is not much time. Therefore, a rapid assertion of the claims is highly recommended.
What compensation will I get?
This is not yet clear. It is expected that extensive assessments will be necessary to quantify the damage suffered by buyers as a result of the illegal cartel. We assume it will be in the region of 10-20% of the purchase price or leasing rates.
How much time will I have to spend to help with the preparation of the proceedings in case I hire Sophokles for litigation funding?
Once you have selected the required documents, almost no more effort is required from you. We strive to take as much work out of your hands as possible. You will not have to personally participate in any proceedings.
Why couldn't I simply turn to the respective car manufacturer and demand damages?
Of course, you remain free to do so. Try it. The result will probably not satisfy you. The past has often shown that corporations vigorously deny compensation claims out of hand, no matter how valid they may be. Companies are taking advantage of the deterrent effect of a complex lawsuit. They expect the strict refusal to pay anything will work in their favour if only a fraction of the claimants eventually go to court. And regrettably, they are probably right. To help in such cases by means of litigation funding we have founded Sophokles.